Rabu, 04 April 2012

Edisi April 2009


Azis1), Heppi Iromo1) Helman2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan


The ponds production of  shrimp plantation in Tarakan, every year have decrease. One of the factors is epidemic decease. The decease often attacks to shrimp plantation caused by bacteria pathogen. This research purpose to see the kind of bacteria that found in shrimp whose lives in traditional ponds of Tarakan. Samples of research taken from six traditional ponds in three district of Tarakan. Then every district is two ponds. Its taken as much as ten tail for every ponds. The isolation of bacteria developed to the TSA media 1,5 % and cleaned by the same media. The identification of bacteria by doing a few tests. There are Gram tests, Catalase, Oxidase, Motility, Oxidative/Fermentative, TSA and Glucose. The result of research show, there are seven kind of bacteria that contaminate to the shrimp in ponds of Tarakan : Corynebacterium, Vibrio, Enterobacter, Listeria, Eikenella, Mycoplasma, dan Chromobacterium.

Keyword: Bacteria, Traditional Ponds, Shrimp.


Azis1), Heppi Iromo1), Darto2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Indonesia is a very potential country on fishery bussiness. As we know indonesia large in sea than on land. One of the fishery businness which very advantages is Windu shrimp aquaculture.
Through with the development of that businness,problems comes which annoying the bussiness, include parasite problem and it sources. According to the research parasites consist to ectoparasite and endoparasite.
The research is oriented to distinguished about ectoparasite on shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricus)  at traditioanl embank on Tarakan. Samples take on from several plales includes embank at East Tarakan, West Tarakan, North Tarakan and the last at Central Tarakan. Every check location representative by two samples of shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricus) embank traditional, and total samples is eight shrimp. Shrimp observation focus on, eye, foot stroke, feglestal, skin, stub born and tail. Observation leave done on the fish Quarantina of Tarakan.
Based on the results of indentification of shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricus) on traditional embank, researcher find of out three of parasit, which inflect to shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricus)  thats : Carchesium sp, Vorticella sp, and Epistylis sp. According to the result, researcher consider that Carchesium sp more dominant inflect to the shrimp. The othres Vorticella sp and Epistylis sp.

         Keyword : Ectoparasite, Penaeus monodon, and Traditional Embank

Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sirih Terhadap Pertumbuhan (Vibrio sp)

Abdul Jabarsyah1), David Rugian1), Arniati2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan


The research aimed at observing the effect of piper betle leaf extract on the growth of Vibrio sp. The research was conduted at the Microbiology Laboratory Departement of Fisheries Faculty Of marine and Fisheries Mulawarman University, from September to Oktober 2005. The completely ranzomized design with four treatment and three replication was applied. The treatment given in this research were 4%, 6%, 8% and PBS. The Result showed that dosages affected the growth of Vibrio sp Significantly were 6% and 4%.

Keyword : Piper betle leaf extract, Vibrio sp.


H Abdul Jabarsyah1), Jimmy Cabyadi1), Dedy Usman2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan


The study purposes to know the reproduction of green jobfish (Aprion virescens) by surveyed the nisbah pair relation, the gonado somatic level, the gonado somatic index, fecundity and egg diameter. Study reproduction aspect treated toward the pair relation between female and male fish. The gonado somatic level, observation towards the feature at the first gonado somatic level. The value comparison of gonado somatic at any levels, fecundity, the relation of the weight and length of body and the egg diametre. The fair relation of female and male fish of early of the months has found about 1,1:1. the size of male rape stage was found as 77,21-85,33 cm and 4500­4900 g of weight. The female was sned at 74,90-79,41cm with 4000-4400 g of weight. The IKG value of female at the first fase being at 2,23-2,61 %, while the male's being at 0,27 %. The highest fecundity is 9.766.088 of weight which is 5000 g and the lowest is 3.980.054 of weight which is 4000 g. Egg diametre is about 0.60 mm for the biggesp and 0,10 mm for the smallest. Based on the pesselt of study, the pair relation value between male and female fish was undifferent every month, while the IKG value increased as TKG inereasing. Fecundity increased as the opposite to the body weight and of body size. The small egg diametre will show the large of fecundity.

Keyword : green jobfish (Aprion virescens), gonado, fecundity, egg.

(Aprion virescens, Aphareus furca, Aphareus rutilans)

Abdul Jabarsyah Ibrahim1), Rukisah Saleh1), Yusman2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Research executed by Territorial water of Derawan in starting.juni month 2005 to Februari 2006. This research aim to know Species Aprion virescens morfometrik-meristik character or characteristic in Territorial water of 'Derawan and comparing with Aphareus furca species and Aphareus rutilans in Makassar Strait and Sea Sulawesi. Sampel in obtaining.from haul in Territorial water 0f Derawan. Analysis Fish example by elementary laboratory of Faculty Fishery and Marinelogy University Borneo Tarakan. From result identify perception of Aprion virescens species have individuality differentiating from other Etilinae sub-famili that is owning green Body chromatic colour at dark chromatic tabletop, its rust colored fin, Owning radius .formula D. X-Xii, 9-10, A. 11,8 P.I-Ii, 16-17 V. I-Ii 5. While Aphareus furca part of blue chromatic body and head, at anus fin and rust colored pungung.fin, and have fin formula D. IX-X, 10-11 P.15, A.II-III, 7 V.-II-III, 5-8. And upper Species Aphareus rutilans  of its body of greenness chromatic, body and head of grey chromatic, its.fins rather red red tail fin and greenness of chocolate rather dark have fin formula D. IX-­XII P. I-Ii, 13-16, A. III- V, 5-8

Keywords: Morfometrik-Meristik Sub-Famili Etilinae set    elatives,Comparison


H Abdul Jabarsyah1), Heppi Iromo1), Umar Arif2)

1) Staf Pengajar FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan
2) Mahasiswa FPIK Universitas Borneo Tarakan


Penelitian dengan judul "Laju Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata) dengan Pemberian Jenis Bahan Pakan yang Berbeda", ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa Pulau Tarakan memiliki potensi yang cukup layak untuk dijadikan pengembangan di bidang perikanan, salah satunya adalah usaha di bidang pengembangan kepiting bakau.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis pakan yang dapat memberikan efek pertumbuhan yang baik terhadap kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) .
Penelitian ini dimulai pada bulan Mei dan berakhir hingga bulan Agustus. Proses peneiitian ini mencakup beberapa persiapan antara lain: persiapan wadah penelitian, persiapan bahan penelitian, metode penelitian dan analisis data.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, bahwa pakan jenis ikan mayung (Arius thlassinus) yang diberikan pada kepiting dengan perlakuan A memberikan penambahan bobot yang cukup baik dibandingkan dengan jenis pakan alami yang diberikan lainnya.

Kata kunci : kepiting, pakan, pertumbuhan.

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